
陈威 教授


邮件: chenwei@nankai.edu.cn


电话: +86-22-8535-816









中美环境修复与可持续发展中心(China-US Center for Environmental Remediation and Sustainable Development联合主任(Co-director







1)       美国Rice大学土木与环境工程系,客座教授

2)       Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Editor (2012)

3)       Environmental Science & Technology,Editorial advisory board (2017)

4)       EnvironmentalScience: Nano, Advisory board (2018)

5)       Science of the Total Environment,Editorial board member (2017)

6)       Journal of Environmental Sciences,Editorial board member (2016)

7)       Carbon Research,Editorial board member (2021)

8)       《环境化学》副主编(2021

9)       《化学学报》编委(2018

10)    《环境科学》编委(2018

11)    《环境化学》编委(2009-2021

12)    《高等学校化学学报》编委(2021




1)       《基于污染物选择性去除的新型污染场地修复技术研究》,南开大学天津市应用基础研究联合项目(xxx),¥200,0002022/01202x/xx(项目主持人)。

2)       《用于污染场地地下含水层原位修复的新型纳米技术研究》,国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目(22020102004),277万元,2021/01—2025/12(项目主持人)。

3)       《污染场地中持久性有机污染物的积累效应和健康风险研究及预测模型建立》,国家重点研发计划场地土壤污染成因与治理技术重点专项课题2,“持久性有机污染物在污染场地土壤和地下含水层中的迁移过程及主控因子”(2019YFC1804202[I1] ),353万元,2020/01—2023/12(参与人/158万元)。

4)       《纳米塑料对有机污染物在饱和多孔介质中运移的影响机制研究》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(21876089),65万元,2019/01—2022/12(项目主持人)。

5)       《土壤中磺胺抗生素归趋及其与磺胺降解基因和抗性基因共存特征的相关性研究》,国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(21661132004),¥2568,0002017/01—2020/12(第一参加人)。

6)       《全氟化合物异构体指纹识别技术研发与应用平台建设》,天津市科技计划创新平台与人才计划项目(17JCYBJC23200),¥400,0002016.09—2018.12(第一参加人)。

7)       有机污染物环境界面化学》,国家杰出青年科学基金21425729),¥4,000,0002015/01—2019/12(项目主持人)。

8)       《人工纳米材料在环境中的迁移、转化和归趋研究》,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目《典型人工纳米材料的水环境过程、生物效应及其调控研究》课题1——“人工纳米材料在环境中的迁移、转化和归趋研究2014CB932001),¥4,510,0002014/01—2018/12(课题负责人)。

9)       《人工纳米材料对水环境中有机污染物界面过程的影响机制研究》,国家自然科学基金重点项目(21237002),¥3,000,0002013/01—2017/12(项目主持人)。

10)    《新型人工纳米材料的环境过程及环境影响研究》,教育部学校特色项目,¥400,000201206—201406月(项目主持人)。

11)    《中美环境修复与可持续发展国际科技合作基地建设》,天津市科技支撑计划国际科技合作项目(12HZGJHZ01100),¥200,0002012/10—2014/09(项目主持人)。

12)    稳定碳纳米颗粒悬浮物对于有机污染物在饱和多孔介质中运移行为的影响》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(21177063),¥700,0002012/01—2015/12(项目主持人)。

13)    《基于碳纳米材料的高效柔性太阳能电池和超级电容器研制》,国际科技合作与交流专项2011DFB50300),¥6,000,0002011/01—2013/12(第一参加人)。

14)    《天津市重点实验室建设利用新型纳米技术去除水中难降解有机污染物》,天津市科技创新体系及条件平台建设计划项目(10SYSYJC27200),¥1,000,0002010/04—2013/03(项目主持人)。

15)    《极性有机污染物与碳基纳米材料的特殊作用对不可逆吸附的影响》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(20977050),¥360,0002010/01—2012/12(项目主持人)。

16)    《中新生态城环境治理与生态修复关键技术研究及示范》课题一《湖库重污染底泥处理处置及资源化利用关键技术集成与工程示范》,国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAC60B01),¥9,620,000(南开¥360,000),2009/07—2012/07(参加人)。

17)    《水溶液中富勒烯稳定团聚体的形貌和表面化学性质对于富勒烯污染物吸附作用的影响机制》,国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金(21150110140),¥200,0002011/07—2012/06(国内合作者)。

18)    利用新型纳米技术去除饮用水中藻毒素和内分泌干扰物的研究》,教育部高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目(708020),¥400,0002009/01—2011/12(项目主持人)。

19)    水体沉积物环境质量基准及原位修复关键技术研究》,国际科技合作项目2009DFA91910),¥1,000,0002009/01—2010/12(项目主持人)。

20)    《中新生态城水污染整治关键技术研究受污染沉积物的原位修复技术研究》(08ZCGHHZ01000),天津市科技支撑计划国际科技合作项目,¥100,0002009/01—2010/12(第一参加人)。

21)    《大沽排污河污染河道原位修复技术集成及应用》,天津市科技创新专项资金项目课题208FDZDSF03400),¥3,000,0002008/10—2010/12(项目主持人)。

22)    《油田区石油污染土壤生态修复技术与示范》,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重点项目(2007AA061200),¥6,840,0002007/07—2010/12(项目主持人)。

23)    《土壤中持久性有机有毒污染物的迁移转化规律及对地下水的影响》,国家自然科学基金重点项目(20637030),¥2,000,0002007/01—2010/12(第一参加人)。

24)    《污染沉积物的活性反应格栅原位修复技术与机理的研究》,天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划重点项目(07JCZDJC01900),¥500,0002007/042010/03(第一参加人)。

25)    《吸附态1,1,2,2-四氯乙烷的非生物降解机理》,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20060055035),¥60,0002007/01—2009/12(项目主持人)。

26)    《中美环境修复与可持续发展中心联合实验室建设》,天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(07ZCGHHZ00300),¥200,0002007/10—2009/09(项目主持人)。

27)    《天津地区土壤中典型有机污染物环境标准与污染控制技术研究》,天津市科技发展计划科技创新能力与环境建设平台项目,(06TXTJJC14000),¥1,000,0002006/07—2009/06(项目主持人)。

28)    《中新天津生态城污水库底泥处置风险评估》,天津市市政工程设计研究院,¥600,0002008/10—2009/04(第一参加人)。

29)    《土壤中被锁定有机污染物的反应活性》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(20577024),¥260,0002006/01—2008/12(项目主持人)。

30)    《土壤和沉积物中被锁定有机污染物的生物可利用性》,霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金项目(101081),$20,0002005/07—2008/06(项目主持人)。

31)    《土壤和沉积物中持久性有机污染物的生物可利用性》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(20407013),¥250,0002005/01—2007/12(项目主持人)。

32)    《土壤/沉积物中持久性有机污染物的生物可利用性》,教育部科学技术研究重点项目(105044),¥100,0002005/01—2007/12(项目主持人)。

33)     土壤/沉积物中被锁定有机污染物的生物可利用性》,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,¥30,000(项目主持人)。

 [I1]National Key R&D Program of China


1)         Ma, Pengkun; Yang, Cuiyi; Zhu, Meiling; Fan, Lihua; Chen, Wei*. “Leaching of Organic Carbon Enhances Mobility of Biochar Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media,” Environmental Science: Nano, 2021, 8, 2584 - 2594.

2)         Juan Ma; Xinlei Liu; Yi Yang; Jiahuang Qiu; Zheng Dong; Quanzhong Ren; Yi Y. Zuo; Tian Xia; Wei Chen*; Sijin Liu*. 2021, Binding of Benzo[a]pyrene Alters the Bio-reactivity of Fine Biochar Particles towards Macrophages Leading to Deregulated Macrophagic Defense and Autophagy,” ACS Nano, 15, 6, 9717–9731.

3)         Yanfeng Wang; Yeming Xu; Shangshang Dong; Peng Wang; Wei Chen; Zhenda Lu; Deju Ye; Bingcai Pan; Di Wu; Chad Vecitis; Guandao Gao*. 2021, Ultrasonic activation of inert poly(tetrafluoroethylene) enables piezocatalytic generation of reactive oxygen species,” Nature Communications, 12, 3508.

4)         Zhao, Mengting; Zhang, Tong; Yang, Xinlin; Liu, Xinlei; Zhu, Dongqiang; Chen, Wei*. 2021, “Sulfide Induces Physical Damages and Chemical Transformation of Microplastics via Radical Oxidation and Sulfide Addition,” Water Research, 197, 117100.

5)         Tian, Li; Guan, Wenyu; Ji, Yunyun; He, Xin; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro; Zhang, Tong*. 2021, Microbial methylation potential of mercury sulfide particles dictated by surface structure,” Nature Geoscience, 14: 409-416.

6)         Pei, Xule; Zhang, Tong; Zhong, Jingyi; Chen, Zaihao; Jiang, Chuanjia*; Chen, Wei. 2021, “Substoichiometric titanium oxide Ti2O3 exhibits greater efficiency in enhancing hydrolysis of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane than TiO2 nanomaterials,” Science of the Total Environment, 774, 145705.

7)         Liu, Xinlei; Ma, Juan; Ji, Rong; Wang, Songfeng; Zhang, Qiurong; Zhang, Chengdong; Liu, Sijin*; Chen, Wei*. 2021, Biochar Fine Particles Enhance Uptake of Benzo(a)pyrene to Macrophages and Epithelial Cells via Different Mechanisms,” Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 8, 3, 218–223.

8)         Chang, Qing; Zhang, Zhanhua; Ji, Yunyun; Tian, Li; Chen, Wei; Zhang, Tong*. 2020, “Natural Organic Matter Facilitates formation and Microbial Methylation of Mercury Selenide Nanoparticles,” Environmental Science: Nano, 8: 67-75.

9)         Fu, Di; Duan, Lin*; Jiang, Chuanjia; Zhang, Tong; Chen, Wei*. 2020, Nanostructured Manganese Oxides Exhibit Facet-Dependent Oxidation Capabilities,” Environmental Science: Nano, 7: 3840 - 3848.

10)      Liu, Mingyang; Yu, Qilin; Chen, Wei; Liu, Xiangsheng; Alvarez, Pedro. 2020, Engineering of CoSe2 Nanosheets via Vacancy Manipulation for Efficient Cancer Therapy,” ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 11, 7800–7809.

11)      Liu, Xinlei; Gharasoo, Mehdi; Shi, Yu; Sigmund, Gabriel; Hüffer, Thorsten; Duan, Lin; Wang, Yongfeng; Ji, Rong*; Hofmann, Thilo; Chen, Wei*. 2020, Key Physicochemical Properties Dictating Gastrointestinal Bioaccessibility of Microplastics-Associated Organic Xenobiotics: Insights from a Deep Learning Approach,” Environmental Science & Technology, 5419, 12051-12062.

12)      Sergi Garcia-Segura, Xiaolei Qu, Pedro J.J. Alvarez, Brian P. Chaplin, Wei Chen, John C Crittenden, Yujie Feng, Guandao Gao, Zhen He, Chia-Hung Hou, Xiao Hu, Guibin Jiang, Jae-Hong Kim, Jiansheng Li, Qilin Li, Jie Ma, Jinxing Ma, Alec Brockway Nienhauser, Junfeng Niu, Bingcai Pan, Xie Quan, Filippo Ronzani, Dino Villagran, T. David Waite, W. Shane Walker, Can Wang, Michael S. Wong, Paul Westerhoff. 2020, Opportunities for Nanotechnology to Enhance Electrochemical Treatment of Pollutants in Potable Water and Industrial Wastewater - A perspective,” Environmental Science: Nano, 7, 21782194.

13)      Shen, Zelin; Zhang, Zhanhua; Li, Tong; Yao, Qingqian; ZHANG, TONG*; Chen, Wei. 2020, Facet-Dependent Adsorption and Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter on Crystalline Metal Oxide Nanoparticles,” Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 14, 86228631.

14)      Li, Tong; Zhong, Wen; Jing, Chuanyong; Li, Xuguang, Zhang, Tong; Jiang, Chuanjia*; Chen, Wei*. 2020, Enhanced Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate by Iron (Hydr)oxide Nanoparticles: Roles of Exposed Facets,” Environmental Science & Technology, 54, 14, 86588667.

15)      Yu,Qilin; Wu,Guizhu; Zhang, Tong; Zhao, Xudong; Zhou, Zhen; Liu, Lu*; Chen, Wei*; Alvarez, Pedro*. 2020, “Targeting specific cell organelles with different-faceted nanocrystals that are selectively recognized by organelle-targeting peptides,” Chemical Communications, 56,7613 - 7616.

16)      Ma, Pengkun; Chen, Wei*. 2020, “Sulfide Reduction Can Significantly Enhance Transport of Biochar Fine Particles in Saturated Porous Medium,” Environmental Pollution, 263, 114445.

17)      Qi, Yu; Zhang, Tong*;Jing, Chuanyong; Liu, Sijin; Zhang, Chengdong; Alvarez, Pedro*; Chen, Wei. 2020, Nanocrystal Facet Modulation to Enhance Transferrin Binding and Cellular Delivery,” Nature Communications, 11, 1262.

18)      Wang, Fanfan; Liu, Xinlei; Li, Xuguang; Jiang, Chuanjia; Zhang, Tong*; Chen, Wei. 2020, Sulfide and ferrous iron preferentially target specific surface O-functional groups of graphene oxide: Implications for accumulation of contaminants,” Environmental Science: Nano, 7, 462–471. (Hot article)

19)      Du, Tingting; Shi, Guoliang; Liu, Fangfei; Zhang, Tong*; Chen, Wei. 2019, Sulfidation of Ag and ZnO Nanomaterials Significantly Affects Protein Corona Composition: Implications for Human Exposure to Environmentally Aged Nanomaterials,” Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 24, 1429614307.

20)      Nicholas K. Geitner; Christine Ogilvie Hendren; Geert Cornelis; Ralf Kaegi; Jamie R. Lead; Gregory V. Lowry; Iseult Lynch; Bernd Nowack; Elijah Petersen; Emily Bernhardt; Scott Brown; Wei Chen; Camille de Garidel-Thoron; Jaydee Hanson; Stacey Harper; Kim Jones; Frank von der Kammer; Alan Kennedy; Justin Kidd; Cole Matson; Chris D. Metcalfe; Joel Pedersen; Willie J. G. M. Peijnenburg; Joris T. K. Quik; Sónia M. Rodrigues; Jerome Rose; Phil Sayre; Marie Simonin; Claus Svendsen; Robert Tanguay; Nathalie Tefenkji; Tom van Teunenbroek; Gregory Thies; Yuan Tian; Jacelyn Rice; Amalia Turner; Jie Liu; Jason Unrine; Marina Vance; Jason C. White; Mark R. Wiesner. 2019, “Harmonizing across environmental nanomaterial testing media for increased comparability of nanomaterial datasets,”Environmental Science: Nano, 7, 1, 1336.

21)      Pei, Xule; Jiang, Chuanjia*; Chen, Wei. 2019, “Enhanced hydrolysis of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane by multi-walled carbon nanotube/TiO2 nanocomposites: the synergistic effect,” Environmental Pollution, 255, 1, 113211.

22)      Liu, Xinlei; Ouyang, Wanyue; Tian, Yingze; Feng, Yinchang; Zhang, Tong*; Chen, Wei. 2019, “Incorporating bioaccessibility into health risk assessment of heavy metals in particulate matteroriginated from different sources of atmospheric pollution,” Environmental Pollution, 254, B, 113113.

23)      Zhang, Yahui; Yuan, Yi; Chen, Wei; Fan, Jie; Lv, Hong; Wu, Qingsheng. 2019, “Integrated nanotechnology of synergism-sterilization and removing-residues for neomycin through nano-Cu2O,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 183, 110371.

24)      Du, Tingting; Adeleye, Adeyemi; Zhang, Tong; Yang, Nan; Hao, Rongjie; Li, Yao*; Song, Weihua; Chen, Wei*. 2019, Effects of ozone and produced hydroxyl radical on the transformation of graphene oxide in aqueous media,” Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 8, 24842494.

25)      Bai, Jinwu; Li, Yun; Wei, Pengkun; Liu, Jiandang*; Chen, Wei*; Liu, Lu*. 2019, “Enhancement of Photocatalytic Activity of Bi2O3–BiOI Composite Nanosheets through Vacancy Engineering,” Small, 15, 23, 1900020.

26)      Liu, Jin; Zhang, Tong; Tian, Lili; Liu, Xinlei; Qi, Zhichong; Ma, Yini; Ji, Rong*; Chen, Wei*. 2019, Aging Significantly Affects Mobility and Contaminant-mobilizing Ability of Nanoplastics in Saturated Loamy Sand,” Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 10, 58055815.

27)      Li, Tong; Shen, Zelin; Shu, Yiling; Li, Xuguang; Jiang, Chuanjia*; Chen, Wei*. 2019,Facet-dependent evolution of surface defects in anatase TiO2 by thermal treatment: implications for environmental applications of photocatalysis,” Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 1740–1753. (Hot article)

28)      Zhang, Tong; Lowry, Gregory*; Capiro, Natalie; Chen, Jianmin; Chen, Wei; Chen, Yongsheng; Dionysiou, Dionysios; Elliott, Daniel; Ghoshal, Subhasis; Hofmann, Thilo; Hsu-Kim, Heileen; Hughes, Joseph; Jiang, Chuanjia; Jiang, Guibin; Jing, Chuanyong; Kavanaugh, Michael; Li, Qilin; Liu, Sijin; Ma, Jie; Pan, Bingcai; Phenrat, Tanapon; Qu, Xiaolei; Quan, Xie; Saleh, Navid; Vikesland, Peter; Wang, Qiuquan; Westerhoff, Paul; Wong, Michael; Xia, Tian; Xing, Baoshan; Yan, Bing; Zhang, Lunliang; Zhou, Dongmei; Alvarez, Pedro.2019, In situ remediation of subsurface contamination: Opportunities and challenges for nanotechnology and advanced materials,” Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 5, 12831302.

29)      Qi, Yu; Chen, Wenshan; Liu, Fangfei; Liu, Jing; Zhang, Tong*;Chen, Wei*. 2019, Aggregation morphology is a key factor determining protein adsorption on graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nanomaterials,” Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 5,13031309.

30)      Xia, Tianjiao; Ma, Pengkun; Qi, Yu; Zhu, Lingyan; Qi, Zhichong; Chen, Wei*. 2019, “Transport and Retention of Reduced Graphene Oxide Materials in Saturated Porous Media: Synergistic Effects of Enhanced Attachment and Particle Aggregation,” Environmental Pollution, 247, 383391.

31)      Qi, Zhichong; Du, Tingting; Ma, Pengkun; Liu, Fangfei; Chen, Wei*. 2019, “Transport of Graphene Oxide in Saturated Quartz Sand Containing Iron Oxides,” Science of the Total Environment, 657, 14501459.

32)      Liu, Xinlei; Ji, Rong; Shi, Yu; Wang, Fang*; Chen, Wei. 2019, “Release of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Biochar Fine Particles in Simulated Lung Fluids: Implications for Bioavailability and Risks of Airborne Aromatics,” Science of the Total Environment, 655, 1159–1168.

33)      Wang, Qianwu; Zhou, Huaxi; Liu, Xinlei; Li, Tong; Jiang, Chuanjia; Song, Weihua*;Chen, Wei*. 2018, Facet-dependent Generation of Superoxide Radical Anions by ZnO Nanomaterials under Simulated Solar Light,” Environmental Science: Nano, 5, 2864–2875.

34)      Duan, Lin; Zhang, Tong; Song, Weihua; Jiang, Chuanjia, Hou, Yan; Zhao, Weilu; Chen, Wei*, Alvarez, Pedro. 2018, Photolysis of Graphene Oxide in the Presence of Nitrate: Implications for Graphene Oxide Integrity in Water and Wastewater Treatment,” Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 136 - 145.

35)      Zhao, Huiru; Zhang, Chengdong; Wang, Yaqi; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2018, “Self-Damaging Aerobic Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Escherichia coli: Role of GO-Mediated Extracellular Superoxide Formation,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 21, 12783−12791.

36)      Sigmund, Gabriel; Jiang, Chuanjia; Hofmann, Thilo*; Chen, Wei*. 2018, “Environmental Transformation of Natural and Engineered Carbon Nanoparticles and Implications for the Fate of Organic Contaminants,” Environmental Science: Nano, 5, 25002518.

37)      Du, Tingting; Adeleye, Adeyemi; Zhang, Tong; Jiang, Chuanjia; Zhang, Min; Wang, Huihui; Li, Yao; Keller, Arturo A.; Chen, Wei. 2018, “Influence of Light Wavelength on the Photoactivity, Physicochemical Transformation, and Fate of Graphene Oxide in Aqueous Media,Environmental Science: Nano, 5, 11, 25902603.

38)      Liu, Sijin*; Lv, Yonglong; Chen, Wei*. 2018, “Bridge Knowledge Gaps in Environmental Health and Safety for Sustainable Development of Nano-industries,” Nano Today, 23, 11-15.

39)      Zhang, Ping*; Zhang, Nan; Li, Zhejun; Yean, Sujin; Li, Hualin; Shipley,                          Heather; Kan, Amy; Chen, Wei*; Tomson, Mason. 2018, “Identification of a New High-molecular-weight Fe-citrate Species at Low Citrate-to-Fe Molar Ratios: Impact on Arsenic Removal with Ferric Hydroxide,” Chemosphere, 212, 5055.

40)      Wu, Yakun; Wang, Fanfan; Wang, Shunhao; Ma, Juan; Xu, Ming; Gao, Ming; Liu, Rui; Chen, Wei*; Liu, Sijin*. 2018, “Reduction of Graphene Oxide Alters Its Cyto-Compatibility Towards Primary and Immortalized Macrophages,”Nanoscale, 10, 14637-14650.

41)      Sun, Binbin; Zhang, Yinqing; Chen, Wei; Wang, Kunkun; Zhu, Lingyan. 2018, “Concentration dependent effects of bovine serum albumin on graphene oxide colloidal stability in aquatic environment,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 13, 7212−7219.
42)      Liu, Yun; Qi, Yu; Yin, Chunyang; Wang, Shunhao; Zhang, Shuping; Xu, An; Chen, Wei*; Liu, Sijin*. 2018, “Bio-transformation of Graphene Oxide in Lung Fluids Significantly Enhances Its Photothermal Efficacy,”Nanotheranostics, 2(3): 222-232.
43)      Guo, Sheng-qi; Zhu, Xiao-he; Zhang, Hai-jun; Gu, Bing-chuan; Chen, Wei*; Liu, Lu*; Alvarez, Pedro*. 2018, Improving Photocatalytic Water Treatment through Nanocrystal Engineering: Mesoporous Nanosheet-Assembled 3D BiOCl Hierarchical Nanostructures That Induce Unprecedented Large Vacancies,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 12, 6872−6880.
44)      Qi, Yu; Liu, Yun; Xia, Tian; Xu, An; Liu, Sijin*; Chen, Wei*. 2018, “Biotransformation of Graphene Oxide in Lung Fluids Significantly Alters Its Inherent Properties and Bioactivities towards Immune Cells,”NPG Asia Materials, 10: 385–396.
45)      Li, Xuguang; Li, Tong; Zhang, Tong; Gu, Cheng; Zheng, Shourong; Zhang, Haijun; Chen, Wei*. 2018, Nano-TiO2-Catalyzed Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane: Roles of Crystalline Phase and Exposed Facets,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52(7):4031-4039.

46)      Liu, Jin; Ma, Yini; Zhu, Dongqiang; Xia, Tianjiao; Qi, Yu; Yao, Yao; Guo, Xiaoran; Ji, Rong*; Chen, Wei*. 2018, Polystyrene Nanoplastics-enhanced Contaminant Transport: Role of Irreversible Adsorption in Glassy Polymeric Domain,” Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 26772685.

47)      Zhu, Jianqiang; Xu, Ming; Wang, Fanfan; Gao, Ming; Zhang, Zhihong; Xu, Yong; Chen, Wei*; Liu, Sijin*. 2018, “Low-dose exposure of graphene oxide significantly increases metal toxicity to macrophages by altering their cellular priming state,”Nano Research, 11(8): 4111–4122.

48)      Yu, Qilin; Zhang, Bing; Li, Jianrong; Du, Tingting; Yi, Xiao; Li, Mingchun*; Chen, Wei*; Alvarez, Pedro. 2017, Graphene oxide significantly inhibits cell growth at sublethal concentrations by causing extracellular iron deficiency,” Nanotoxicology, 11(9-10), 1102-1114.

49)      Yin, Chunyang; Zhao, Weilu; Liu, Rui; Liu, Rong; Wang, Zhe; Zhu, Lingyan; Chen, Wei*; Liu, Sijin*. 2017, “TiO2 Particles in Seafood and Surimi Products: Attention Should be Paid to Their Exposure and Uptake through Foods”, Chemosphere, 188, 541-547.

50)      Zodrow, Katherine; Li, Qilin; Buono, Regina; Chen, Wei; Daigger, Glen; Dueñas-Osorio, Leonardo; Elimelech, Menachem; Huang, Xia; Jiang, Guibin; Kim, Jae-Hong; Logan, Bruce; Sedlak, David; Westerhoff, Paul; Alvarez, Pedro. 2017, Advanced Materials, Technologies, and Complex Systems Analyses: Emerging Opportunities to Enhance Urban Water Security,” Environmental Science & Technology, 51, 1027410281.

51)      Geitner, Nicholas; Zhao, Weilu; Ding, Feng; Chen, Wei; Wiesner, Mark. 2017, Mechanistic Insights from Discrete Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Pesticide-Nanoparticle Interactions,” Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15):8396-8404.

52)      Qi, Yu; Xia, Tianjiao; Li, Yao; Duan, Lin; Chen, Wei. 2017, Reply to the 'Comment on Colloidal stability of reduced graphene oxide materials prepared using different reducing agents,'Environmental Science: Nano, 4, 2421 - 2422.

53)      Wang, Lilin; Zhu, Dongqiang; Chen, Jingwen; Chen, Yongsheng; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Enhanced Adsorption of Aromatic Chemicals to Boron and Nitrogen Co-doped Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science: Nano, 4, 558-564.

54)      Xia, Tianjiao; Qi, Yu; Liu, Jing; Qi, Zhichong; Chen, Wei; Wiesner, Mark. 2017, Cation-Inhibited Transport of Graphene Oxide Nanomaterials in Saturated Porous Media: The Hofmeister Effects,” Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2), 828–837.

55)      Li, Yao; Yang, Nan; Du, Tingting; Xia, Tianjiao; Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Wei. 2016, Chloramination of Graphene Oxide Significantly Affects Its Transport Properties in Saturated Porous Media,” NanoImpact, 3-4: 90-95.

56)      Shi, Xiaomei; Li, Zaixing; Chen, Wei; Qiang, Liwen; Xia, Junchao; Chen, Meng; Zhu, Lingyan; Alvarez, Pedro. 2016, “Fate of TiO2 Nanoparticles Entering Sewage Treatment Plants and Bioaccumulation in Fish in the Receiving Streams,” NanoImpact, 3-4: 96-103.

57)      Lu, Taotao; Xia, Tianjiao; Qi, Yu; Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Wei. 2017, Effects of Clay Minerals on Transport of Graphene Oxide in Saturated Porous Media,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36(3), 655–660.

58)      Hou, Lei; Fortner, John; Wang, Ximeng; Zhang, Chengdong; Wang, Lilin; Chen, Wei. 2017, “Complex Interplay between Formation Routes and Natural Organic Matter Modification Controls Capabilities of C60 Nanoparticles (nC60) to Accumulate Organic Contaminants,” Journal of Environmental Sciences, 51, 315–323.

59)      Qi, Yu; Xia, Tianjiao; Li, Yao; Duan, Lin; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Colloidal Stability of Reduced Graphene Oxide Materials Prepared Using Different Reducing Agents,” Environmental Science: Nano, 3, 1062–1071.

60)      Li, Yao; Yang, Nan; Du, Tingting; Wang, Xinzhe; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Transformation of Graphene Oxide by Chlorination and Chloramination: Implications for Environmental Transport and Fate,” Water Research, 103:416-423.

61)      Duan, Lin; Wang, Zhongyuan; Hou, Yan; Wang, Zepeng; Guao, Guandao; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2016, “The Oxidation Capacity of Mn3O4 Nanoparticles is Significantly Enhanced by Anchoring Them onto Reduced Graphene Oxide to Facilitate Regeneration of Surface-Associated Mn(III),” Water Research, 103:101-108.

62)      Li, Xuguang; Chen, Weifeng; Zhang, Chengdong; Li, Yao; Wang, Fanfan; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Enhanced Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane by Graphene-Based Nanomaterials,” Environmental Pollution, 214:341-348.

63)      Xu, Ming; Zhu,Jianqiang; Wang, Fanfan; Xiong,Yunjing; Wu, Yakun; Wang, Qiuquan; Weng, Jian;Zhang, Zhihong; Chen, Wei; Liu,Sijin. 2016, “Improved In Vitro and In Vivo Biocompatibility of Graphene Oxide through Surface Modification: Poly(Acrylic Acid)-Functionalization is Superior to PEGylation,” ACS Nano, .

64)      Wang, Fanfan; Duan, Lin; Wang, Fang; Chen, Wei. 2016, “Environmental Reduction of Carbon Nanomaterials Affects Their Capabilities to Accumulate Aromatic Compounds,” NanoImpact, 1:21-28.

65)      Zuo, Linzi; Ai, Jing; Fu, Heyun; Chen, Wei; Zheng, Shourong; Xu, Zhaoyi; Zhu, Dongqiang. 2016, “Enhanced Removal of Sulfonamide Antibiotics by KOH-activated Anthracite Coal: Batch and Fixed-bed Studies,” Environmental Pollution, 211:425-34.

66)      Liu, Lu; Sun, Mei-Qing; Zhang, Haijun; Yu, Qilin; Li, Mingchun; Qi, Yu; Zhang, Chengdong; Gao, Guandao; Yuan, Ying-Jin; Zhai, Huanhuan; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2016, “Facet Energy and Reactivity versus Cytotoxicity: the Surprising Behavior of CdS Nanorods,” Nano Letters, 16(1):688-694.

67)      Xia, Tianjiao; Fortner, John; Zhu, Dongqiang; Qi, Zhichong; Chen, Wei. 2015, Transport of Sulfide-Reduced Graphene Oxide in Saturated Quartz Sand: Cation-Dependent Retention Mechanisms,” Environmental Science & Technology, 49(19): 11468-11475.

68)      Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Silong; Alvarez, Pedro; Chen, Wei. 2015, “Reduced Graphene Oxide Enhances Horseradish Peroxidase Stability by Serving as Radical Scavenger and Redox Mediator,” Carbon, 94, 531–538..

69)      Wang, Fanfan; Wang, Fang; Gao, Guandao; Chen, Wei. 2015, Transformation of Graphene Oxide by Ferrous Iron: Environmental Implications,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34 (9), 1975–1982.

70)      Pan, Meilan; Zhang, Haijun; Gao, Guandao; Liu, Lu; Chen, Wei. 2015, Facet-Dependent Catalytic Activity of Nanosheets-Assembled BiOI Microspheres in Degradation of Bisphenol A,” Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (10), 6240–6248.

71)      Wang, Fanfan; Wang, Fang; Zhu, Dongqiang; Chen, Wei. 2015, “Effects of Sulfide Reduction on Adsorption Affinities of Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles for Phenanthrene and 1-Naphthol,” Environmental Pollution, 196, 371–378.

72)      Fu, Heyun; Qu, Xiaolei; Chen, Wei; Zhu, Dongqiang. 2014, Transformation and Destabilization of Graphene Oxide in Reducing Aqueous Solutions Containing Sulfide,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (12), 2647–2653.

73)      Qi, Zhichong; Zhang, Lunliang; Chen, Wei. 2014, “Transport of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Sandy Soil,” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (10), 22682277.

74)      Qi, Zhichong; Hou, Lei; Zhu, Dongqiang; Ji, Rong; Chen, Wei. 2014, Enhanced Transport of Phenanthrene and 1-Naphthol by Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Soil,” Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 10136–10144.

75)      Wang, Bingyu; Chen, Wei; Fu, Heyun; Qu, Xiaolei; Zheng, Shourong; Xu, Zhaoyi; Zhu, Dongqiang. 2014, “Comparison of Adsorption Isotherms of Single-Ringed Compounds between Carbon Nanomaterials and Porous Carbonaceous Materials over Six-Order-of-Magnitude Concentration range,” Carbon, 79, 203212.

76)      Chen, Weifeng; Li, Yao; Zhu, Dongqiang; Zheng, Shourong; Chen, Wei. 2014, “Dehydrochlorination of Activated Carbon-Bound 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane: Implications for Carbonaceous Material-Based Soil/Sediment Remediation,” Carbon, 78, 578588.

77)      Wang, Zhongyuan; Duan, Lin; Zhu, Dongqiang; Chen, Wei. 2014, “Effects of Cu(II) and Ni(II) Ions on Adsorption of Tetracycline to Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes,” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 15, 8, 653661.

78)      Zhang, Chengdong; Chen, Wei; Alvarez, Pedro. 2014, “Manganese Peroxidase Degrades Pristine but Not Surface-Oxidized (Carboxylated) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 7918–7923.

79)      Mauter, Meagan; Alvarez, Pedro; Burton, G. Allen; Cafaro, Diego; Chen, Wei; Gregory, Kelvin; Jiang, Guibin; Li, Qilin; Pittock, Jamie; Reible, Danny; Schnoor, Jerald. 2014, “Regional Variation in Water-Related Impacts of Shale Gas Development and Implications for Emerging International Plays,” Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 8298–8306.

80)      Chen, Weifeng; Zhu, Dongqiang; Zheng, Shourong; Chen, Wei. 2014, Catalytic Effects of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane,” Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 3856–3863.

81)      Duan, Lin; Li, Lingfang; Xu, Zhu; Chen, Wei. 2014, “Adsorption of Tetracycline to Nano-NiO: Effect of Co-existing Cu(II) Ion and Environmental Implications,” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16, 1462–1468.

82)      Liu, L.; Sun, M.; Li, Q.; Zhang, H.; Alvarez, P.; Liu, H.; Chen, W. 2014, “Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of CdS nanomaterials to mice: comparison between nanorods and nanodots,” Environmental Engineering Science, 31(7): 373-380.

83)      Qi, Z.; Zhang, L.; Wang, F.; Hou, L.; Chen, W. 2014, “Factors controlling transport of graphene oxide nanoparticles in saturated sand columns,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, 5, 998–1004.

84)      Wang, L.; Hou, L.; Wang, X.; Chen, W. 2014, “Effects of Preparation Method and Humic-Acid Modification on Mobility and Contaminant-Mobilizing Capability of Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60),” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16, 1282–1289.

85)      Fu, H.; Guo, Y.; Chen, W.; Gu, C.; Zhu, D. 2014, “Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachloroethane by Sulfide in Aqueous Solutions Mediated by Graphene Oxide and Carbon Nanotubes,” Carbon, 72, 74–81.

86)      Wang, F.; Ji, R.; Jiang, Z.; Chen, W. 2014, “Species-Dependent Effects of Biochar Amendment on Bioaccumulation of Atrazine in Earthworms,” Environmental Pollution, 186, 241–247.

87)      Wang, F.; Haftka, J.; Sinnige, T.; Hermens, J.; Chen, W. 2014, “Adsorption of Polar, Nonpolar, and Substituted Aromatics to Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles,” Environmental Pollution, 186, 226–233.

88)      Xie, M.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, D. 2014, “Adsorption of Sulfonamides to Demineralized Pine Wood Biochars Prepared under Different Thermochemical Conditions,” Environmental Pollution, 186, 187–194.

89)      Zhang, D.; Hou, L.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2014, “Synergistic Role of Different Soil Components in Slow Sorption Kinetics of Polar Organic Contaminants,” Environmental Pollution, 184, 123–130.

90)      Qiao, J.; Zhang, C.; Luo, S.; Chen, W. 2014, “Bioremediation of Highly Contaminated Oilfield Soil: Bioaugmentation for Enhancing Aromatic Compounds Removal”, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 8(2), 293–304.

91)      Xie, M.; Lv, D.; Shi, X.; Wan, Y.; Chen, W.; Mao, J.; Zhu, D. 2013, “Sorption of Monoaromatic Compounds to Heated and Unheated Coals, Humic Acid, and Biochar: Implication for Using Combustion Method to Quantify Sorption Contribution of Carbonaceous Geosorbents in Soil,” Applied Geochemistry, 35, 289296.

92)      Zhang, C.; Luo, S.; Chen, W. 2013, Activity of Catalase Adsorbed to Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Carbon Nanotube Surface Properties,” Talanta 113, 142147.

93)      Hou, L.; Zhu, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, L.; Zhang, C.; Chen, W. 2013, Adsorption of Phenanthrene, 2-Naphthol, and 1-Naphthylamine to Colloidal Oxidized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Humic Acid and Surfactant Modification,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32, 3, 493–500.

94)      Wang, L.; Fortner, J.; Hou, L.; Zhang, C.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2013, Contaminant-Mobilizing Capability of Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60): Effect of Solvent-Exchange Process in nC60 Formation,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32, 2, 329–336.

95)      Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Xu, Z.; Zheng, S.; Zhu, D. 2013, “Graphene Nanosheets and Graphite Oxide as Promising Adsorbents for Removal of Organic Contaminants from Aqueous Solution,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 42, 1, 191198.

96)      Zhang, H.; Ge, M.; Yang, L.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, W.; Li, Q.; Liu, L. 2013, “Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Sb2S3 Nanowire-Bundle as Counter Electrode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C,117, 10285–10290.

97)      Zhang, L.; Hou, L.; Wang, L.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2012, Transport of Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60) in Saturated Sand and Sandy Soil: Controlling Factors and Modeling,” Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 13, 7230–7238.

98)      Wang, L.; Huang, Y.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2012, Enhanced Transport of 2,2',5,5'-Polychlorinated Biphenyl by Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Surfactant-Modified Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60),” Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 10, 5422–5429.

99)      Zhang, L.; Zhu, D.; Wang, H.; Hou, L.; Chen, W. 2012, “Humic Acid-Mediated Transport of Tetracycline and Pyrene in Saturated Porous Media,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 3, 534–541.

100)   Wang, F.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2012, “Effect of Copper Ion on Adsorption of Chlorinated Phenols and 1-Naphthylamine to Surface-Modified Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 1, 100–107.

101)   Lv, D.; Wan, Y.; Shi, X.; Xu, H.; Chen, W.; Zhu, D. 2012, “Effect of Heat Treatment on Sorption of Polar and Nonpolar Compounds to Montmorillonites and Soils,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 41, 4, 12841289.

102)   Yang, W.; Lampert, D.; Zhao, N.; Reible, D.; Chen, W. 2012, “Link between Black Carbon and Resistant Desorption of PAHs on Soil and Sediment,” Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12, 5, 713–723.

103)   Yang, W.; Zhao, N.; Zhang, N.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.; Tomson, M. 2012, “Time-Dependent Adsorption and Resistant Desorption of Arsenic on Magnetite Nanoparticles: Kinetics and Modeling,” Desalination and Water Treatment, 44, 100–109.

104)   Zhang, H.; Yang, L.; Liu, Z.; Ge, M.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, W.; Li, Q.; Liu, L. 2012, “Facet-Dependent Activity of Bismuth Sulfide as Low-Cost Counter-Electrode Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells,Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 18572–18577.

105)   Ge, M.; Liu, L.; Chen, W.; Zhou, Z. 2012, “Sunlight-Driven Degradation of Rhodamine B by Peanut-Shaped Porous BiVO4 Nanostructures in the H2O2-Containing System,” CrystEngComm, 14(3), 1038–1044.

106)   Wang, J.; Liu, Z.; Yuan, S.; Liu, L.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, W. 2012, “Uniform Chrysanthemum-Like Bi2S3 Microspheres for Dye-Sensitised Solar Cells,”Australian Journal of Chemistry, 65, 9, 13421348.

107)   Tang, H.; Zhu, D.; Li, T.; Kong, H.; Chen, W. 2011, “Reductive Dechlorination of Activated Carbon-Adsorbed Trichloroethylene by Fe(0): Carbon as Electron Shuttle,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 40, 6, 1878–1885.

108)   Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Zhang, P.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2011, Facilitated Transport of 2,2’,5,5’-Polychlorinated Biphenyl and Phenanthrene by Fullerene Nanoparticles through Sandy Soil Columns,” Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 4, 1341–1348.

109)   Berlin, J.; Yu, J.; Lu, W.; Walsh, E.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, P.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.; Wong, M.; Tomson, M.; Tour, J. 2011, “Engineered Nanoparticles for Hydrocarbon Detection in Oil-field Rocks,” Energy & Environmental Science, 4, 2, 505–509.

110)   Lian, F.; Huang, F.; Chen, W.; Xing, B.; Zhu, L. 2011, “Sorption of Apolar and Polar Organic Contaminants by Waste Tire Rubber and Its Chars in Single- and Bi-solute Systems,” Environmental Pollution, 159, 4, 8507.

111)   Ge, M.; Li, Y.; Liu, L.; Zhou, Z.; Chen, W. 2011, Bi2O3-Bi2WO6 Composite Microspheres: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performances,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 13, 5220–5225.

112)   Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Bi, J.; Zheng, S.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, D.; Alvarez, P. 2010, “Adsorption of Tetracycline on Single-walled and Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes as Affected by Aqueous Solution Chemistry,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 12, 2713–2719.

113)   Yang, W.; Kan, A.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M. 2010, “pH-Dependent Effect of Zinc on Arsenic Adsorption to Magnetite Nanoparticles,” Water Research, 44, 19, 56935701.

114)   Wang, L.; Zhu, D.; Duan, L.; Chen, W. 2010, “Adsorption of Single-Ringed N- and S-Heterocyclic aromatics on Carbon Nanotubes,” Carbon, 48, 13, 3906–3915.

115)   Qi, Y.; Chen, W. 2010, Comparison of Earthworm Bioaccumulation between Readily Desorbable and Desorption-Resistant Naphthalene: Implications for Biouptake Routes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 1, 323–328.

116)   Zhang, D.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2010, Response to Comment on “Sorption of Nitroaromatics to Soils: Comparison of the Importance of Soil Organic Matter versus Clay,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29, 5, 1022–1024.

117)   Zhang, Z.; Li, M.; Chen, W.; Zhu, S.; Liu, N.; Zhu, L. 2010, Immobilization of Lead and Cadmium from Aqueous Solution and Contaminated Sediment Using Nano-Hydroxyapatite,” Environmental Pollution, 158, 2, 514-519.

118)   Yu, J.; Berlin, J.; Lu, W.; Zhang, L.; Kan, A.; Zhang, P.; Walsh, E.; Work, S.; Chen, W.; Tour, J.; Wong, M.; Tomson M. 2010, Transport Study of Nanoparticles for Oilfield Application,” SPE Paper No. 131158-MS, Paper of SPE International Conference on Oilfield Scale, Aberdeen, UK, 26–27 May 2010 (EI).

119)   Chen, W.; Duan, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, D. 2009, Response to Comment on “Adsorption of Hydroxyl- and Amino-Substituted Aromatics to Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 9, 3400–3401.

120)   Zhang, D.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2009, “Sorption of Nitroaromatics to Soils: Comparison of the Importance of Soil Organic Matter versus Clay,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28, 7, 1447-1454.

121)   Chen, W.; Hou, L.; Luo, X.; Zhu, L. 2009, “Effects of Chemical Oxidation on Sorption and Desorption of PAHs in Typical Chinese Soils,” Environmental Pollution, 157, 1894–1903.

122)   Yang, W.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Zhu, L.; Chen, W. 2009, “Sorption and Resistant Desorption of Atrazine in Typical Chinese Soils,” Journal of Environmental Quality, 38, 1, 171-179.

123)   Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Zheng, S.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, D. 2009, “Adsorption of Sulfonamide Antibiotics to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Langmuir, 25, 19, 11608–11613.

124)   Ji, L.; Chen, W.; Duan, L.; Zhu, D. 2009, “Mechanisms for Strong Adsorption of Tetracycline to Carbon Nanotubes: A Comparative Study Using Activated Carbon and Graphite as Adsorbents,” Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 7, 2322–2327.

125)   Chen, W.; Zhu, D.; Xing, B. 2009, “Chapter 9: Sorption and Sequestration of Organic Contaminants in Soils and Sediments,” in Natural Organic Matter and Its Significance in the Environment, Part II: Interactions between NOM and Contaminants, Science Press, Beijing, 213-236.

126)   Chen, W.; Duan, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, D. 2008, “Adsorption of Hydroxyl- and Amino-Substituted Aromatics to Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 18, 6862-6868.

127)   Chen, J.; Chen, W.; Zhu, D. 2008, “Adsorption of Nonionic Aromatic Compounds to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Aqueous Solution Chemistry,” Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 19, 7225-7230.

128)   Chen, W.; Cong, L.; Hu, H.; Zhang, P.; Li, J.; Feng, Z.; Kan, A.; Tomson, M. 2008, “Release of Adsorbed Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons under Cosolvent Treatment: Implications for Availability and Fate,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27, 1, 112-118.

129)   Yang, W.; Duan, L.; Zhang, N.; Zhang, C.; Shipley, H.; Kan, A.; Tomson, M.; Chen, W. 2008, “Resistant Desorption of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Typical Chinese Soils: Implication for Long-Term Fate and Soil Quality Standards,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27, 1, 235-242.

130)   Duan, L.; Zhang, N.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Zhu, L.; Chen, W. 2008, “Release of Hexachlorocyclohexanes from Historically and Freshly Contaminated Soils in China: Implications for Fate and Regulation,” Environmental Pollution, 156, 753-759.

131)   Liu, L.; Liu, H.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Duan, Y.; Gao, G.; Ge, M.; Chen, W. 2008, “Directed Synthesis of Hierarchical Nano-Structured TiO2 Catalysts and Their Morphology-Dependent Photocatalysis for Phenol Degradation,” Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 7, 2342-2348.

132)   Yang, W.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2008, “Adsorption and desorption of arsenic on nano-magnetite,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235, 7-ENVR Part 1.

133)   Chen, W.; Duan L.; Zhu, D. 2007, “Adsorption of Polar and Nonpolar Organic Chemicals to Carbon Nanotubes,” Environmental Science & Technology, 41, 24, 8295-8300.

134)   Beckles, D.; Chen, W.; Hughes, J. 2007, “Bioavailability of PAHs Sequestered in Sediment: Microbial Study and Model Prediction,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, 5, 878-883.

135)   Zhu, X.; Zhu, L.; Li, Y.; Duan, Z.; Chen, W.; Alvarez, P. 2007, “Developmental Toxicity in Zebrafish (danio rerio) Embryos after Exposure to Manufactured Nanomaterials: Buckminsterfullerene Aggregates (nC60) and Fullerol,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26, 5, 976-979.

136)   Zhao, H.; Li, Y.; Chen, W.; Cai, B. 2007, “A Novel Salicylaldehyde Dehydrogenase-NahV Involved in Catabolism of Naphthalene from Pseudomonas Putida ND6,” Chinese Science Bulletin, 52, 14, 1942-1948.

137)   Chen, W.; Lakshmanan, K.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2004, “A Program for Evaluating Dual-Equilibrium Desorption Effect on Remediation,” Ground Water, 42, 620-624.

138)   Chen, W.; Cong, L.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2004, “A Rapid Approach to Predicting Bioavailable Fraction of Adsorbed Organic Contaminants,” in Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.

139)   Chen, W.; Cooley, A.I.; McDonnell, T. 2004, “Calculating Favorable Risk-Based Cleanup Standards Using Non-Ideal Sorption Theory,” in Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.

140)   Chen, W.; Lakshmanan, K.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2003, “Impact of Dual-Equilibrium Desorption on Soil/Groundwater Remediation: a Decision-Support Model,” in In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.

141)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Newell, C.J.; Moore, E.M.; Tomson, M.B. 2002, “More Realistic Soil Cleanup Standards with Dual-Equilibrium Desorption,” Ground Water, 40, 153-164.

142)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Newell, C.J.; Tomson, M.B. 2002, “More Realistic Soil Cleanup Standards Using Dual-Equilibrium Desorption Model” in Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.

143)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2001, “Modeling Irreversible Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Natural Sediments,” in Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals I, Fate and Exposure, American Chemical Society.

144)   Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2001, “Resistant Desorption Kinetics of Chlorinated Organic Compounds from Contaminated Soil and Sediment,” in Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals I, Fate and Exposure, American Chemical Society.

145)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, Response to Comment on “Irreversible Adsorption of Chlorinated Benzenes to Natural Sediments – Implication for Sediment Quality Criteria,” Environmental Science & Technology,34, 4250-4251.

146)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Irreversible Adsorption of Chlorinated Benzenes to Natural Sediments – Implication for Sediment Quality Criteria,” Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 385-392.

147)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Factors Affecting the Release of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants from Natural Sediments,” Environmental Toxicology andChemistry, 19, 2401-2408.

148)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Impact of Irreversible Sorption on Bioavailability and Risk Assessment,” in Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, C2-1, Risk, Regulatory, and Monitoring Considerations, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio.

149)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Impact of Irreversible Sorption on Bioavailability, Risk Assessment, and Site Remediation” in 73rd Annual Conference & Exposition on Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment Proceedings, Water Environment Federation.

150)   Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Desorption Kinetics of Neutral Hydrophobic Organic Compounds from a Field Contaminated Sediment,” Environmental Pollution, 108, 81-89.

151)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Vignona, L.C.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Adsorption-Desorption Behaviors of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Sediments of Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,18, 1610-1616.

152)   Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W.; Hughes, J.; Reible, D. 1999, “Protocol for Assessment of Biological Available Pollutant Concentration in Soil,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 218, 79-ENVR Part 1.

153)   Tomson, M.B.; Kan, A.T.; Beckles, D.; Friedffeld, S.; Chen, W.; Hughes, J.; Reible, D. 1999, “Biological Response and Availability of Desorption Resistant Organic Pollutants,”Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 218, 78-ENVR Part 1.

154)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Factors Affecting the Resistant Release of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants from Natural Sediments,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 217, 003-ENVR Part 1.

155)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Modeling of Irreversible Sorption of Chlorinated Benzenes in Natural Sediments,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 217, 190-ENVR Part 1.

156)   Tomson, M.B.; Vignona, L.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.T. 1999, “The Impact of Target Clean-Up Levels on Remediation,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 217, 006-ENVR Part 1.

157)   Chen, W. 1999, “Impact of Irreversible Sorption on Sediment Quality,” Ph.D. thesis, Rice University, Houston, Texas.

158)   Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Hunter, M.; Chen, W.; Ward, C.H.; Tomson, M.B. 1998, “Irreversible Sorption of Neutral Hydrocarbons to Sediments: Experimental Observations and Model Predictions,” Environmental Science & Technology, 32, 892-902.

159)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1997, “Sorption and Desorption of Hydrocarbons to and from Historically Contaminated Lake Charles Sediments,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 214, 91-ENVR Part 1.

160)   Tomson, M.B.; Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Chen, W. 1997, “Irreversible Adsorption and Fate of Contaminants in Sediments and Soils” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 214, 92-ENVR Part 1.

161)   Chen, W. 1997, “Sorption and Desorption of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds to and from Historically Contaminated Lake Charles Sediments,” M.S. thesis, Rice University, Houston, Texas.

162)   Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1996, “The Influences of Various Factors on the Adsorption-Desorption Behaviors of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Sediments of Lake Charles, LA,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 211, 52-ENVR Part 1.

163)   Zhu, T.; Chen, W. 1994, “Methodology of Environmental Impact Assessment for Regional Development,” Journal of Environmental Science, 6 (4), 457-463.

164)   李旭光;杜婷婷;刘金;刘新蕾;马朋坤;戚豫;陈威,2017,《人工碳纳米材料的环境转化及其效应》,化学进展accepted

165)   王秋泉,牛军峰,闫兵,刘猛,刘倩,刘思金,刘景富,全燮,陈威,张礼知,林璋,潘炳才,2017纳米材料环境化学研究进展环境化学前沿,科学出版社,北京,401-450

166)   庞然,岳芳宁,王希萌,陈威,张承东,2014复杂环境条件下富勒烯的微生物毒性效应环境化学331), 1-9

167)   陈威,2011纳米技术在地下水污染控制与修复中的应用环境化学学科前沿与展望,科学出版社,北京,290-300

168)   段林,段林,张承东,陈威,2011土壤和沉积物中疏水性有机污染物的锁定及其环境效应环境化学301),242-251

169)   齐亚超,张承东,王贺,陈威,2010黑碳对土壤和沉积物中菲的吸附解吸行为及生物可利用性的影响环境化学295),848-855

170)   乔俊陈威,张承东,2010添加不同营养助剂对石油污染土壤的生物修复研究环境化学291),6-11

171)   段林,陈威,朱东强,20107章:碳黑与污染物的相互作用机理天然有机质及其在环境中的作用机理,地质出版社,北京,164-181

172)   齐建超,张承东,乔俊,郭婷,张清敏,陈威,2010,“微生物与有机肥混合剂修复石油污染土壤的研究农业环境科学学报166-72

173)   郭婷,张承东,齐建超,张清敏,乔俊,陈威2009酵母菌细菌联合修复石油污染土壤研究环境科学研究2219),1472-1477

174)   徐磊,段林,陈威,2009碳纳米材料的环境行为及其对环境中污染物迁移归趋的影响应用生态学报201),1-8

175)   张子种,常春,陈威,祝凌燕,2009林丹的吸附解吸行为对其沉积物基准的影响中国环境科学2912),1301-1305

176)   张冬梅,陈蓓,王瑜,胡凤燕,杨卫春,陈威,2008疏水性有机污染物在中国典型土壤中的吸附解吸行为研究环境化学273),345-349

177)   罗晓丽,齐亚超,张承东,李婧,陈威,2008多环芳烃在两种中国典型土壤中的吸附和解吸行为研究环境科学学报287),1-6

178)   殷培杰,陈威,孙红文,2007温度对底泥中硝基苯的自然衰减及强化降解的影响环境科学学报278),1288-1291

179)   赵化冰,陈威,蔡宝立,2007恶臭假单胞菌ND6菌株catA基因的克隆和表达及其儿茶酚裂解途径探讨微生物学报473),387-391

180)   朱坦,白志鹏,陈威,谢晓玲,1996化学质量平衡受体模型新技术的应用—TEDA大气颗粒物来源解析实例Urban Ecology and Urban Ecology, 9 (1), 9-14

181)   朱坦,白志鹏,陈威,1995秦皇岛市大气颗粒物来源解析研究环境科学研究,8 (5), 49-55



1)        “Carbonaceous Nanoparticles Significantly Affect Environmental Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants,” August 15, 2018, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

2)       “Roles of carbonaceous materials in mediating environmental abiotic transformation of organic contaminants,” October 2, 2017, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

3)       “Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60) Enhance Transport of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Saturated Porous Media: Environmental Implications,” August 2, 2012, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.

4)       Non-hydrophobic Interactions between Aromatic Organics and Carbon Nanotubes: Enhanced and Selective Adsorption,” June 28, 2010, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

5)       “Non-hydrophobic Interactions between Aromatic Organics and Carbon Nanotubes: Enhanced and Selective Adsorption,” January 22, 2010, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA.



1)          陈威,刘璐,张彤,刘思金2021原子构型和环境转化过程显著影响纳米颗粒的生物毒性效应,第十一届全国环境化学大会,1225-28日,哈尔滨。

2)          刘金,刘新蕾,赵梦婷,张彤,季荣,陈威2021微纳米塑料对环境污染物的载带作用:影响机制及环境效应,第十一届全国环境化学大会,1225-28日,哈尔滨。

3)          Chen, W. 2021, “Metal-Oxide-Nanocrystals-Mediated Hydrolysis and Oxidation of Organic Contaminants: The Critical Roles of Crystalline Phase and Exposed Facet,” presented at the 10th Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference, November 3-5, Virtual.

4)          陈威2021微纳米塑料对环境污染物的载带作用:影响机制及环境效应第六届环境污染与健康会议,1016-19日,广州。

5)          陈威2021原子构型和环境转化过程显著影响纳米颗粒的生物毒性效应全国分析毒理第二届青年论坛,108-10日,无锡。

6)          陈威2021污染场地地下水修复:挑战与对策,土壤环境污染协同防治高端论坛,625-26 日,杭州。

7)          陈威2020污染场地地下水修复:挑战与对策,第二届中国·天津土壤污染防治高峰论坛,11 28 -29 日,天津。

8)          Chen, W. 2019, “Enhanced Hydrolysis of Organic Contaminants by Nanoparticles: Roles of Intrinsic Surface Properties of Nanomaterials,” presented at 2019 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, September 25-28, 2019, Hangzhou.

9)          Chen, W. 2019, “Crystalline Phase and Exposed Facets Significantly Affect Affinity and Reactivity of Nanocrystals towards Organic Contaminants and Biomolecules,” presented at the International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, September 1-4, 2019, Vienna, Austria.

10)        刘金、季荣、陈威2019老化聚苯乙烯纳米塑料对有机污染物在饱和土壤介质中迁移的影响,第十届全国环境化学大会,815-19日,天津。

11)        陈威2019基于有机污染物环境风险的污染场地修复与控制策略:DED模型在风险管控中的应用,首届土壤污染防治高峰论坛,328-30日,天津。

12)        Sigmund, Gabriel; Castan, Stephanie; Jiang, Chuanjia; Hüffer, Thorsten; Chen, Wei; Elsner, Martin Elsner;Hofmann, Thilo. 2019, “Formation and transformation of carbon nanoparticles from environmental sources,” presented at SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting, May 26-30, 2019, Basel, Switzerland.

13)        Liu, J.; Ma, Y.; Ji, R.; Chen, W. 2019, “Polystyrene Nanoplastics-enhanced Contaminant Transport in Saturated Soil,” presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, April 7-12, Vienna, Austria.

14)        陳威2018晶型和暴露晶面對金屬基納米材料環境和生物效應的顯著影響,第四屆海峽兩岸環境分析化學學術研討會,1216-19日,香港(主题报告)。

15)        Chen, W. 2018, “Linking intrinsic properties of metal-based nanocrystals to their environmental and biological effects,” presented at the 15th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, November 6-11, 2018, Basel, Switzerland.

16)        Zhang, T.; Jiang, C.; Alvarez, P.; Chen, W. 2018, “Understanding the intrinsic properties of nanocrystals controlling their environmental and biological effects: The critical role of exposed facets,” presented at the Mexico-China Workshop on NANO materials / science / technology: renewable energy and environmental remediation, August 19-24, Cancún, México.

17)        Zhang, T.; Alvarez, P.; Chen, W. 2018, “Crystallinity and exposed facets significantly affect affinity and reactivity of nanocrystals towards organic contaminants and biomolecules,” presented at the 256th ACS National Meeting, August 19-23, Boston, MA.

18)        Chen, W. 2018, “Effects of Carbon Nanoparticles on Transport and Fate of Environmental Organic Contaminants,” presented at the 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018), August 16-18, Hong Kong.

19)        Chen, W. 2018, “Exposed Facets Determine Surface Reactivity of Metal-based Nanomaterials towards Environmental and Biological Receptors,” presented at the 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, March 18-22, New Orleans, LA.

20)        Chen, W. 2017, “Catalytic Effects of Carbon Nanomaterials in Abiotic Transformation of Organic Contaminants,” presented at the Sixth Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference 2017, November 5-7, Los Angeles, CA.

21)        陈威2017人工纳米材料介导的水环境中污染物非生物降解反应:机制与构效关系,第九届全国环境化学大会,1019-22日,杭州(主题报告)。

22)        陈威2017人工碳纳米材料的环境转化显著影响其环境行为与效应,第九届全国环境化学大会,1019-22日,杭州(主题报告)。

23)        刘金,陈威等2017纳米塑料对有机污染物在饱和土壤介质中迁移的影响,第九届全国环境化学大会,1019-22日,杭州(口头报告)。

24)        陈威2017碳纳米材料对有机污染物非生物转化的催化机制2017环境污染界面行为与控制学术研讨会暨中国科学院青年创新促进会学者论坛,725-30日,乌鲁木齐。

25)        Chen, W. 2017, “Carbon Nanoparticles Mobilize Organic Chemicals in Subsurface: Environmental Implications and Potential Applications,” presented at the 33rd International Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH 2017), June 30- July 4, Guangzhou (keynote speech).

26)        Chen, W. 2017, “Catalytic Effects of Carbon Nanomaterials in Abiotic Transformation of Organic Contaminants,” presented at Sino-German Symposium on “Fate, Transport and Remediation of POPs in Soil and Groundwater”, April 17-22, Nanjing.

27)        Chen, W. 2017, “Catalytic Effects of Carbon Nanomaterials in Abiotic Transformation of Organic Contaminants: Implications for Water and Wastewater Treatments,” presented at the 253rd ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, San Francisco, CA.

28)        陈威2017碳纳米颗粒对污染物的携带迁移,地学与环境前沿领航-2017学术研讨会,17-9日,昆明。

29)        Chen, W. 2016, Carbon Nanoparticles as Contaminant Carriers: Effects of Environmental Transformation Processes,” presented at Beijing Symposium 2016 on Environmental Processes and Risks of Chemical Contaminants, November 30-December 2, Xiamen, Fujian.

30)        陈威2016碳纳米材料的环境转化:天然有机质的作用及环境效应2016年有机质与环境学术交流会,71-3日,北京(主题报告)。

31)        Chen, W. 2016, Environmental Transformation of Carbon Nanomaterials: Implications for Environmental Fate and Effects,” presented at RSC International Symposium on Environmental Science, June 6, Beijing.

32)        Chen, W. 2016, Catalytic Effects of Carbon Nanomaterials in Transformation of Organic Contaminants,” presented at IWA Nano & Water Specialist Conference, May 16-18, Houston, TX, USA (keynote speech).

33)        Chen, W. 2016, Physical and Chemical Transformation of Carbon Nanomaterials: Environmental Implications,” presented at the 2nd International Symposium on “Environmental Impact of Engineered Nanoparticles”, April 29-30, Qingdao, Shandong (invited speech).

34)        陈威2016人工碳纳米材料的环境转化及其效应,全国环境纳米技术及生物效应学术研讨会,48-10日,厦门。

35)        陈威2016碳材料对有机污染物降解的催化作用,首届污染控制化学前沿研讨会会议,325-17日,南京。

36)        陈威2015纳米材料的环境过程与机制,第八届全国环境化学大会,115-8日,广州(闭幕式学科进展与展望报告)。

37)        陈威2015碳纳米颗粒对有机化合物的载带作用:环境应用和环境效应,第八届全国环境化学大会,115-8日,广州(主题报告)。

38)        Chen, W. 2015, “Environmental Transformation of Carbon Nanomaterials: Implications for Fate, Transport and Toxicity,” presented at 10th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials (ICEENN 2015), September 5-10, 2015, Vienna, Austria.

39)        Wang, F.F.; Wang, F.; Li, Y.; Chen, W. 2015, “Environmental transformation of carbon nanoparticles,” presented at Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Nanotechnology, June 21-26, 2015, Mount Snow, West Dover, VT, USA.

40)        Wang, F.F.; Wang, F.; Gao, G.; Chen, W. 2015, Environmental Transformation of Carbon Nanomaterials: Implications for Fate and Toxicity,” presented at IWA Nano and Water Regional Conference 2015, May 20-23, 2015, Dalian, China.

41)        Chen, W.; Zhu, D.; Zheng, S.; Chen, W. 2014, Catalytic Effects of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Dehydrochlorination of 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane,” presented at the 2014 International Symposium on Environment and Health (ISEH 2014), July 4-5, 2014, Beijing, China.

42)        Wang, F.; Haftka, J.; Sinnige, T.; Hermens, J.; Chen, W. 2014, “Adsorption of Polar, Nonpolar, and Substituted Aromatics to Colloidal Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles,” presented at the SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 11-15, Basel, Switzerland.

43)        Hou, L.; Zhu, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, L.; Zhang, C.; Chen, W. 2014, Adsorption of Phenanthrene, 2-Naphthol, and 1-Naphthylamine to Colloidal Oxidized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Effects of Humic Acid and Surfactant Modification,” presented at the SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, May 11-15, Basel, Switzerland.

44)        Qi, Z.; Wang, F.; Chen, W. 2013, “Environmental Implications of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles: Transport Properties and Adsorption Affinities for Organic Contaminants,” presented at the 10th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, August 13-17, 2013, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

45)        Chen, W.; Fortner, J.; Tomson, M. 2013, “Carbon nanoparticles mobilize hydrophobic organic contaminants in groundwater: Linking aggregation properties and contaminant-mobilizing capabilities,” presented at the 87th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, June 23-26, Riverside, CA.

46)        Chen W.; Wang, L.; Hou, L.; Wang, F.; Fortner, J.; Tomson, M. 2013, “Carbon nanoparticles mobilize hydrophobic organic contaminants in groundwater: Linking aggregation properties and contaminant-mobilizing capabilities,” presented at the SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, May 12-16, Glasgow, Scotland.

47)        Chen, W.; Fortner, J.; Tomson, M. 2013, “Carbonaceous Material-Mediated Abiotic Reactions of Organic Contaminants: Environmental Implications,” presented at the 2013 International Symposium on Environmental Science and Technology, June 4-7, Dalian.

48)        Chen, W. 2012, “Engineered carbon nanoparticles significantly mobilize hydrophobic organic contaminants in groundwater,” presented at the 3rd International Conference on Pollution Ecology, November 6-8, Tianjin, (plenary speech).

49)        Hou, L.; Wang, X.; Qi, Z.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2012, “Engineered Carbon Nanoparticles Mobilize Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Subsurface: Environmental Implications,” presented at the 9th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, October 23-27, Miami, FL.

50)        陈威2012人工碳纳米材料显著提升有机污染物在地下水中的运移能力:环境效应第一届海峡两岸环境化学研讨会,94-8日,台北。

51)        Tang, H.; Zhu, D.; Li, T.; Kong, H.; Chen, W. 2012, “Reductive Dechlorination of Activated Carbon-Adsorbed Trichloroethylene by Fe(0): Carbon as Electron Shuttle,” presented at the 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), July 2-6, Bari, Italy.

52)        Wang, F.; Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2012, “Effect of Copper Ion on Adsorption of Chlorinated Phenols and 1-Naphthylamine to Surface-Modified Carbon Nanotubes,” presented at the 6th SETAC World Congress, May 20-24, Berlin, Germany.

53)        王莉淋、侯磊、张伦梁、陈威2012富勒烯对持久性有机污染物在地下含水层中迁移的影响中国化学会第28届学术年会512-16日,成都。

54)        Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W. 2011, “Facilitated Transport of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants by Fullerene Nanoparticles (nC60): Environmental Implications,” presented at the 8th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, October 12-16, Beijing.

55)        Chen, W. 2011, “Non-hydrophobic adsorptive interactions between aromatic organics and carbon nanotubes: enhanced and selective adsorption,” presented at Nano and Water 2011, May 15-18, Ascona, Switzerland.

56)        Chen, W. 2011, “Adsorptive Interactions between Engineered Carbon Nanomaterials and Organic Contaminants: Environmental Implications and Applications,” presented at the International Workshop on Emerging Contaminants: Environmental Fate and Ecological Risk Assessment, February 28 - March 1, Nanjing, Jiangsu.

57)        陈威2011胶体物质对于有机污染物在地下水中运移的影响,环境化学学科发展及人才培养战略研讨会,113-14日,广州。

58)        陈威2010有机污染物在碳材料上不可逆吸附的环境效应,环境界面行为与吸附技术学术研讨会,1119-21日,杭州。

59)        陈威2010碳纳米颗粒对疏水性有机污染物在地下含水层中迁移行为的影响,化学物质的环境过程与生态毒理学术研讨会,813日,喀纳斯。

60)        王莉淋、段林、朱东强、陈威2010含氮、硫杂环芳香化合物在纳米碳管上的非疏水吸附机制研究中国化学会第27届学术年会620-23日,厦门。

61)        Kan, A.; Yang, W.; Zhang, N.; Ferrel, J.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M. 2010, “Factors affecting the removal of arsenic from drinking water by magnetite nanoparticles,” presented at the SETAC Asia/Pacific 2010 Meeting, June 4-7, Guangzhou, China.

62)        Zhang, L.; Wang, L.; Yu, J.; Chen, W.; Kan, A; Tomson, M. 2010, “Facilitated Transport of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants,” presented at the SETAC Asia/Pacific 2010 Meeting, June 4-7, Guangzhou, China.

63)        张承东、齐建超、陈威2010生物修复石油污染土壤中酵母菌与细菌的协同作用研究中国化学会第27届学术年会620-23日,厦门。

64)        Zhang, L.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.; Tomson, M. 2009, “Transport of Carbon Nanoparticles and Contaminants in Soils,” presented at the SETAC North America 2009 Annual Meeting, November 19-23, New Orleans, LA, USA.

65)        陈威2009吸附态有机污染物反应活性碳基纳米材料环境效应,环境化学学科发展及人才培养战略研讨会,730-31日,呼和浩特。

66)        Zhang L.; Tomson, M.; Farrell, J.; Zhang, P.; Chen, W.; Kan, A. 2009, Transport of Carbon and Metal-Oxide Nanoparticles in Soils, presented at the 13th IACIS International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science and 83rd ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, June 14-19, New York, NJ, USA.

67)        陈威2009土壤和沉积物中典型有机污染物的生物可利用性,第五届全国环境化学大会,59-12日,大连(主题报告)。

68)        陈威2009关于污染土壤修复技术发展方向的几点看法863计划污染土壤修复技术发展战略专题研讨会426-27日,北京。

69)        Zhu, D.; Chen, W. 2009, “Adsorptive Interactions of Polar and Nonpolar Organic Chemicals with Carbon Nanotubes,” presented at the 2nd International Conference on Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, April 1-3, Nanjing (keynote speech).

70)        陈威2009添加不同营养助剂对石油污染土壤的生物修复研究,第二届环境保护高技术论坛,320-22日,北京。

71)        Tomson, M.; Farrell, J.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, L. Chen, W.; Kan, A.; Shipley, H. 2009, “Transport of Carbon and Metal-oxide Nanoparticles in Soil and Soil Components,” presented at the RemTEC Summit ’09, March 3-5, Atlanta, GA, USA.

72)        Chen, W.; Zhang, J.; Hu, F.; Xu, L.; Hughes, J.; Tomson, M. 2008, “Bioavailability of Organic Contaminants Sequestered in Soil and Sediment: Environmental Implications,” presented at the 5th SETAC World Congress, August 3-7, Sydney, Australia.

73)        Chen, W.; Hu, F.; Xu, L.; Duan, L.; Zhu, L. 2008, “Sequestration of Organic Contaminants in Soil/Sediment: Implications for Realistic Environmental Quality Standards and Remediation Endpoints,” presented at the 1st International Forum on Remediation Benchmarks and Standards for Contaminated Environment, July 22-24, Shenyang, China.

74)        唐昊、王瑜、徐磊、孔昊楠、陈威20081,1,2,2-四氯乙烷(TeCA)在土壤中的吸附解吸行为和反应活性研究2008年中国自然资源学会学术年会,720-22日,天津。

75)        段林、胡凤燕、徐磊、陈威2008有机污染物在中国典型土壤中的吸附和锁定研究:模型和环境基准2008年中国自然资源学会学术年会,720-22日,天津。

76)        段林、朱东强、陈威2008纳米碳管吸附极性与非极性有机物研究中国化学会第26届学术年会713-16日,天津。

77)        陈威2008有机污染物在中国典型土壤中的吸附和锁定研究:模型和环境基准,中国科学院污染环境修复基准研究学术研讨会,76-9日,沈阳。

78)        段林、朱东强、陈威2008纳米碳管吸附有机污染物的行为及机制,第五届全国环境化学大会,59-12日,大连。

79)        陈威2008基于有机污染物持久性的新型土壤污染风险模型及污染控制和修复策略,中国环境地理专业委员会学术年会暨第六届POPNET研讨会,424-25日,南京。

80)        Yang, W.; Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2008, “Adsorption and Desorption of Arsenic on Nano-Magnetite,” presented at the 235th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, April 6-10, New Orleans, LA, USA.

81)        Chen, W. 2007, “Control and Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater: Strategies and Lessons Learned,” presented at the 2nd International Conference on Pollution Ecology, November 4-8, Guilin, Guangxi (keynote speech).

82)        陈威2007土壤和沉积物中有机污染污染物的锁定及其环境效应,第四届全国环境化学大会,1026-29日,南京(主题报告)。

83)        Chen, W. 2007, “Control and Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater: Strategies and Lessons Learned,” presented at the 4th Asian-Pacific International Conference on Pollutants’ Analysis and Control, October 11-14, Beijing (keynote speech).

84)        Cheng, X.; Chen, W.; Zhang, P.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2007, “Organic Contaminant Adsorption and Desorption, A New Dual Equilibrium Desorption Model,” presented at the Third International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, TX.

85)        Chen, W. 2006, “Biodegradation of Sequestered PAHs in a River Sediment,” presented at the 3rd Cross-Strait Conference on Soil and Groundwater Contamination and Remediation, Taipei, Taiwan.

86)        Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B.; Hughes, J.B. 2006, “Sequestration of PTS in soil and sediment: reduced availability and impact on risk and remediation,” presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances, October 22-25, Beijing, China (keynote speech).

87)        Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B. 2006, “Sequestration of Organic Contaminants in Soil/Sediment and Its Impact on Contaminant Fate,” presented in the 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Beijing, China.

88)        Chen, W.; Tomson, M.B.; Hughes, J.B. 2006, “Sequestration and reduced bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants in soil and sediment,” presented in SETAC Asia/Pacific 2006, September 18-20, Beijing, China (keynote speech).

89)        陈威2006美国土壤与地下水管理与修复工作中的经验和教训,中国环境科学学会全国土壤污染控制修复与盐土改良技术交流会,深圳(主题报告)。

90)        陈威2006土壤和沉积物中有机污染污染物的锁定和生物可利用性,第三届环境化学中青年学者学术研讨会,南京。

91)        Chen, W.; Hughes, J.B. 2005, “Bioavailability of Sequestered PAHs in a River Sediment,” 流域优先污染物控制与管理对策国际研讨会,南京。

92)        陈威2005利用自然衰减法修复受污染土壤和沉积物,首届北京生态建设国际论坛,北京。

93)        陈威2004, “More Realistic Soil Cleanup Standards Using Dual-Equilibrium Desorption Model,” 第二届海峡两岸土壤与地下水污染和修复研讨会,天津。

94)        Chen, W.; Cong, L.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2004, “A Rapid Approach to Predicting Bioavailable Fraction of Adsorbed Organic Contaminants,” presented at the Fourth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds(第4届治理氯代及难降解化合物国际会议), Monterey, CA.

95)        Chen, W.; Cooley, A.I.; McDonnell, T. 2004, “Calculating Favorable Risk-Based Cleanup Standards Using Non-Ideal Sorption Theory,” presented at the Fourth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds(第4届治理氯代及难降解化合物国际会议), Monterey, CA.

96)        Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2003, “Impact of Dual-Equilibrium Desorption on Soil/Groundwater Remediation: A Decision-Support Model,” presented at the Seventh International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation(第七届现场生物修复国际研讨会), Orlando, FL.

97)        Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Newell, C.J.; Tomson, M.B. 2002, “More Realistic Soil Cleanup Standards Using Dual-Equilibrium Desorption Model,” presented at the Third International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds(第三届治理氯代及难降解化合物国际会议), Monterey, CA.

98)        Cooley, A.I.; Chen, W.; Norris, R.D. 2002, “Use of Parent/Daughter Product Relationships for Evaluating Sequentially Degrading Chemicals in Groundwater,” presented at the 13th Annual West Coast Conference on Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water(第十三届土壤、底泥和水污染西海岸会议), San Diego, CA.

99)        Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Impact of Irreversible Sorption on Bioavailability and Risk Assessment,” presented at the Second International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds(第二届治理氯代及难降解化合物国际会议), Monterey, CA.

100)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 2000, “Impact of Irreversible Sorption on Bioavailability, Risk Assessment, and Site Remediation” presented at the 73rd Annual Conference & Exposition on Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment, Water Environment Federation (水环境联合会第73届水质和污水处理年会), Anaheim, CA.

101)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Impact of Irreversible Sorption on the Bioavailability of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants,” presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 20th Annual Meeting(环境毒理与化学学会第20届年会), Philadelphia, PA.

102)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Factors Affecting the Resistant Release of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants from Natural Sediments,” presented at 217th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第217次国家会议), Anaheim, CA.

103)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Modeling Irreversible Sorption of Chlorinated Benzenes in Natural Sediments,” presented at 217th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第217次国家会议), Anaheim, CA.

104)     Liu, W.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1999, “Proposed Mechanism and the Impacts of Ionic Strength and Temperature Effects on Contaminant Desorption from Soil and Sediment,” presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 20th Annual Meeting(环境毒理与化学学会第20届年会), Philadelphia, PA.

105)     Kan, A.T.; Chen, W.; Vignona, L.; Liu, W.; Tomson, M.B.; Hughes, J.; Reible, D.  1999, “Sorption-Desorption Asymmetry of Organic Compounds in Natural Sediments,” presented at 1999 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, St. Louis, MO.

106)     Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B.; Chen, W.; Hughes, J.; Reible, D. 1999, “Protocol for Assessment of Biological Available Pollutant Concentration in Soil,” presented at 218th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第218次国家会议), New Orleans, LA.

107)     Tomson, M.B.; Vignona, L.; Chen, W.; Liu, W.; Kan, A.T.  1999, “Target Clean-Up Levels and Remediation,” presented at 1999 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, St. Louis, MO.

108)     Tomson, M.B.; Kan, A.T.; Beckles, D.; Friedffeld, S.; Chen, W.; Hughes, J.; Reible, D. 1999, “Biological Response and Availability of Desorption Resistant Organic Pollutants,” presented at 218th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第218次国家会议), New Orleans, LA.

109)     Tomson, M.B.; Vignona, L.; Chen, W.; Kan, A.T. 1999, “The Impact of Target Clean-Up Levels on Remediation,” presented at 217th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第217次国家会议), Anaheim, CA.

110)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1998, “Irreversible Adsorption Capacities and Irreversible Desorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Natural Sediments,” presented at Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 19th Annual Meeting, Charlotte(环境毒理与化学学会第19届年会), NC.

111)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1997, “Sorption and Desorption of Hydrocarbons to and from Historically Contaminated Lake Charles Sediments,” presented at 214th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第214次国家会议), Las Vegas, NV.

112)     Tomson, M.B.; Kan, A.T.; Fu, G.; Chen, W. 1997, “Irreversible Adsorption and Fate of Contaminants in Sediments and Soils” presented at 214th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第214次国家会议), Las Vegas, NV.

113)     Chen, W.; Kan, A.T.; Tomson, M.B. 1996, “The Influences of Various Factors on the Adsorption-Desorption Behaviors of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Sediments of Lake Charles, LA,” presented at 211th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting(美国化学学会第211次国家会议), New Orleans, LA.


1)   Environmental Science & Technology “Excellence in Review” award (2017)

2)   高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖一等奖(2/11):水环境中污染物的界面化学过程及机制”(2015.02)

3)   天津市科学技术进步奖二等奖(5/8):城市污染河道原位修复技术集成及应用”(2015.01)

4)   天津市科学技术进步奖二等奖(2/8):石油污染土壤革新修复技术与应用”(2014.01)

5)   获得the 10th International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances “Young Scientist Award”(20138)

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